Saturday, March 26, 2011

Life Throws Another Curve Ball

When you set yourself a goal to do an IronMan, you know that it's not going to be a straight road to success. It takes hours of effort and dedication to put towards doing this.

And I'm not a professional, I'm an average person that has a career and friends, a husband and a dog (my pseudo-kid). I fit in this IronMan goal into my life and not the other way around.

So, I knew there would be some curve balls, the first one with my knee injury, teaching me the value of cross-training.

But the past 3 weeks also added another curve ball....the opportunity for a new city, a new job, a new lifestyle. Yep, I have been interviewing for a new role and after 3+ weeks of lots of flying, interviewing, resume applications, and liner equation solving (a very interesting interview indeed!).....I have accepted a new job.

Career change was on the cards, but it had been planned into life AFTER the IronMan. But you know how life goes, it doesn't follow your plan.

So I am now in a position that I have 4 weeks to move and change my life to a new city (San Francisco), new pace of job (start-up), and find the new balance of training (no friggin' clue right now). Woo hoo!!

And my body has responded to these 3 weeks with little training and a fast paced change with a nasty cold. Urrgh!

So I'll really enjoy my test tomorrow of the SuperSeal Olympic Triathlon. Yes, I am doing a triathlon after this crazy 3 week period that has left me exhilarated and exhausted. 

I'm excited about seeing my performance tomorrow for a few reasons

  • Answer the "it's better to be under trained that over trained" statement I keep hearing
  • Determine how my mental toughness (and the past 3 weeks had me get plenty of this) has increased
  • Be able to put the 3 sports together for the first time in 1 year (sprint triathlon in May 2010, but note I did an adventure race in Nov 2010)
  • Test out the nutritional aspects of the new combinations of drinks and food I've been training on in a race setting
  • Test out the knee if it's any better - of which I've seen large progress in physical therapy but have not actually done any real running since Feb 13
  • How to apply a different mental attitude in a race setting. I see this as a "C" race and not an "A" race. So really just practice. But keeping to a "C" mindset with adrenaline and hundreds of racers surrounding you will be a test.
  • Complete the race feeling happy and without injury - time is NOT anything I am solving for in this race

I'll write up the race report with the answers...and more...after tomorrow. Wish me Luck... I have a feeling I need some for tomorrow!

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