Sunday, June 24, 2012

ALC Ride Summary

The ALC Ride is complete - I've been back at work now for over a week - and life is settling into the "new normal". Sigh

I'm now in the full training mode after 1 week recovery for IronMan Canada on August 25th. Yep, doing another one. And the ALC ride finally kicked me into training gear.

I do enjoy looking at data and analyzing how it is changing over time (hopefully getting better, but not guaranteed!)

Here is the summary from the ALC rides over 7 days. No Heart rate Monitor used - so just the top-line summary. I will also caveat that there was NOT any satellite available in a few areas - so the data below is under-estimated (e.g. I have 500 miles from my bike monitor total vs the 466 miles here)

My thoughts

I didn't have any time or pace goals for this other than to ride the whole thing. In seeing this data I am in awe of the total elevation gain - I do remember there being hills every day, so glad to see it verified. Speed is not the IronMan pace I'm going for - but something to use as a base in training. And the cadence is also decent - I'll be bringing this up in the training, but again good base.

Well off to start the IronMan Canada Training!

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